Davidovich Bakery Featured on “What’s Up New York”

Davidovich Bakery Featured on "What's Up New York"

Davidovich Bakery Featured on "What's Up New York"
Davidovich Bakery Featured on “What’s Up New York”

October 6, 2023 (NYC)-Last month Davidovich Bakery’s fine products were featured on the hit NYC program, “What’s up NY“.  Michele Trainor, comedian and host of the program, visited the Essex Street Market and spent time interviewing the Davidovich Staff, tasting some of its fine products, and enjoying its world class coffee.

Davidovich Bakery has been a staple of the Essex Street Market, one of the last Public Markets in the United States, for over ten (10) years.

Michele Trainor spent some time with two other great vendors in the Essex Market as she, and her team, escaped torrential downpours in New York City on the Sunday this was filmed.   She is also the host of the highly successful web series, Divorce Diaries.

To see this fun episode, please visit:




Davidovich Bagels Are Headed to Thailand

"Thailand statue" by @Doug88888 is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.

Name: Marc Fintz
Title: Director of Business Development
Phone: (212) 391-2870 xt 113
Email address: marc@allnp.com

Davidovich Bagels Are Headed to Thailand

"Thailand statue" by @Doug88888 is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.February 21, 2023 (NYC),- All Natural Products’ Davidovich Bakery announced today that it has reached a historic agreement that will bring NYC’s most beloved kettle boiled, plank baked, artisan Kosher, Pas Yisroel bagels to Thailand.

Company spokesperson and author of The History of Bagels in America, Marc Fintz, said “The continued international demand for our authentic NewYork City water boiled bagels has continued to skyrocket. The rise of the global marketplace of the 21st Century has exposed people from all corners of the globe to our authentic bagels and the desire to introduce them to marketplaces from the Middle East to the Pacific Rim has been one of our largest growth segments.”

In addition to being found in the finest retailers in New York City, Davidovich Bagels can be found throughout the United States, the Far East, parts of Europe, the Middle East and, starting in 2023, Thailand.   Thailand is a land of beautiful beaches, majestic Elephants, Siamese cats, Buddhist traditions and, now, Davidovich Bagels.

You don’t have to go to Thailand to find these famous bagels, because they are everywhere fine foods are sold.

About Davidovich Bakery

For years New Yorkers enjoyed these delicious traditional bagels without ever even knowing the name of the Artisans who produced them. Then the word started to spread. People around NYC, around the United States, and all around the world started to talk about these unique, throwbacks to the original days of bagel making, the Davidovich Bagel.Davidovich Bagels Are Headed to Thailand

Sold in the finest establishments in the world. Davidovich Bagels use the finest ingredients, are hand made, kettle boiled, plank baked, Non GMO, and Kosher. Davidovich Bagels have been featured in The Wall Street Journal, Time Magazine, Forbes, The NY Daily News, The Village Voice, The Forward, and many, many more publications. Featured on ABC News, The Jon Stewart Show, The History Channel, The Discovery Channel, Andrew Zimmern’s Bizarre Foods and many more television programs.

Most recently Davidovich Bagels were presented to the US Congress’s Bagel Caucus as an example of “TRUE NYC BAGELS”.

A Tribute to The Creator Of The Rainbow Bagel

A Tribute to The Creator Of The Rainbow Bagel
A Tribute to The Creator Of The Rainbow Bagel
A Tribute to The Creator Of The Rainbow Bagel

May 10, 2022- (NYC)A Tribute to The Creator Of The Rainbow Bagel.  On Monday it was announced that the creator of the famed Rainbow Bagel was closing his last NYC Based bagel Shop due to “health concerns”.


Davidovich Bakery wishes him well.  We introduced our version of the Artisan Rainbow Bagel several years ago and it has become a unique and popular items because of its stark contrast to the color pallet of normal bagels.

What goes into a Davidovich Rainbow Bagel?   Well, like all Davidovich Bagels the Rainbow Bagel is made with the best ingredients.  It is kettle boiled, plank baked, Kosher, and really good.

What makes it unique?  This labor of love involves each colored layer being separately created and then delicately hand crafted into the swirl of Rainbow you see in the finished product.  This is why this product is usually more highly priced than a traditional bagel.  It takes about 5x as much work to hand craft this beauty thank say, a Plain, or Pumpernickel bagel.  However, people feel it is worth it.

You can still purchase the famed Davidovich Bagels directly, or through any of our discerning Food Distributors.

Feel free to email us for more at:  sales@allnp.com

Davidovich’s Bagel Talk With David Page (Episode 14)

Davidovich's Bagel Talk With David Page
Davidovich’s Bagel Talk With David Page

February 17, 2022 (NYC)Davidovich’s Bagel Talk With David Page (Episode 14).  Author and Journalist, David Page, joins Comedian Joseph Pontillo to discuss his newest book, Food Americana.  Food Americana is an anthology collection of stories about cuisine that has become uniquely identified as American.   Bagels are an important part of this legacy and a chapter in David’s great book.  This is a terrific and exciting new episode of Davidovich’s Bagel Talk.

Food Americana is available on Amazon and everywhere books are sold.  It is a must read for anyone who loves food and who has a craving for bagels, pizza, American Chinese Food, and more.  You can check it out;
David Page changed the world of food television by creating, developing, and executive-producing the groundbreaking show Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives. Now from this two-time Emmy winner comes Food Americana, an entertaining mix of food culture, pop culture, nostalgia, and everything new on the American plate.
Some more praise for Food Americana,
Terrific food journalism. Page uncovers the untold backstories of American food. A great read.”George Stephanopoulos, Good Morning America, This Week and ABC News’ Chief Anchor


2021 International Book Awards finalist in History: United States
Living Now Book Award, Silver – Cookbooks, Ethnic Holiday
#1 New Release in History Humor, Food & Cooking, and Media Tie-In Cooking

Are you interested in being a guest on Bagel Talk?  or have a suggestion for a guest please visit us at http://www.allnp.com