Fresh Distributor– While it is important to make the best artisan baked goods in the world, it is equally as important to make sure these products reach the countless fans of Davidovich Artisan baked goods.
While Davidovich distributes to many of its own customers, it is through meaningful partnerships with Bread and Bakery Distributors that Davidovich products can reach every customer that is looking for them for use and resale.
If you are a Distributor looking to partner for the resale of our fine baked goods we offer the following benefits:
- The finest baked goods on the market- all natural, artisan, kosher, and delicious
- One stop shop for a full line of Davidovich bagels, retail and bulk breads, muffins, sweets, cakes-sliced and unsliced, pastries, croissants, and savory items
- Two convenient pick up locations in New York City and New Jersey, or we can deliver to your facility
- The opportunity to have sales leads in your respective area forwarded to your company. Davidovich happily refers leads to partners with strong regional penetration
If you are a fresh distributor and looking to sign up to distribute our quality baked products to your clients please complete the application form bellow