We recommend eating them the same day you bring it home. When the bagels are fresh they taste their best.FAQ Products
How do I store my unused bagels?
We recommend eating it as fresh as possible. If you have bagels left over, we recommend slicing and storing individually in a freezer bag and placing into the freezer.
How long will my bagels stay fresh?
We recommend eating them the same day you bring it home. When the bagels are fresh they taste their best.
Why do Davidovich Bagels taste so good?
We use premium ingredients in our bagels. We do not use any preservatives, and follow the all natural, Artisan process for making them. When you buy a Davidovich Bagel you are buying the same bagel that our ancestors use to enjoy.
What are the 5 most popular flavors ?
We sell flavors in the following order from the most popular: Plain, Everything, Sesame, Poppy, Whole Wheat
What is the nutritional information for your products?
Email us and we’ll send you the nutritional information upon request. Let us know which product you are interested in knowing about.
Are Davidovich’s products Kosher?
Yes. Our bakery is certified OK. You can find the certificate under forms.
Do your products contain Artificial Trans Fats?
Absolutely not. We do not use any artificial trans fats in our breads. A benefit of using only pure ingredients.
Who do I contact with general inquiries?
Email your question to info@davidovichbakery.com and we will reply as soon as possible.
FAQ Products