Care Instructions For Your Davidovich Bagels Par Baked Instructions
Par Baked Instructions
- Storage instructions to preserve the quality and freshness
- Bagels that are frozen should be kept in a freezer set at (-5) degrees below zero or colder
- Bagels may be stored for up to six (6) months
- For Fully Baked Bagels (Darker Colored Bagels) please defrost prior to serving
- For Par Baked (Lighter Colored Bagels) please:
- 1) fully defrost bagels prior to baking
- 2) preheat your oven to 400 degrees* Fahrenheit (make sure oven is fully pre-heated prior to baking). *If you find the bagels are too light or dark for your taste, please adjust the oven temperature.
- 3) bake your bagels for between 4-5** minutes depending on your oven. ** Baking for more than 5 minutes may dry out bagels and reduce the shelf life.
- 4) serve fresh and hot-with, or without, your favorite Shmear.
- Slice and Freeze any unused portions for up to twelve (12) months. Slicing bagels prior to freezing makes it easier to use and serve upon defrosting
- Important- be sure to re-order once your inventory gets low. You don’t want to be without your world famous Davidovich Bagels.
- People often ask if you can tell the difference between fresh and par baked bagels. if prepared properly par baked bagels will have the same texture, quality, shelf life, and taste as fresh baked.
- Interested in finding out more on our Par Baked products? Please complete this form and we will get back to you: