Davidovich Bagels-If you are a consumer, you can find our bagels at many Gourmet Delis, Hotels, and Stores throughout the NY Tri0state area.
You can also find the world famous Davidovich Bagels at our online store: http://www.artisanbagels.com.
If you are a store or a food service facility and would like to set up a wholesale account please call sales now 212-391-2870-dial 3 for sales.
Once you sample our bagels you will know that you had just eaten the best bagel in NYC. Only our bagels are hand rolled, kettle boiled and baked on wooden planks. We use only the finest all natural and most expensive ingredients in our manufacturing process. There are no preservatives or softeners of any kind. All our bagel products are KOSHER!
Our bagels are hand-made from the unbleached naturally pure flour and generously coated with favorable toppings in a full range of varieties. They are boiled and baked to perfection under our expert supervision to assure the supreme quality. Davidovich Bakery does not use any preservatives or dough conditioners!
We are the ONLY wholesale bakery that makes HAND ROLLED bagels no one else in the world does this! If you are looking for the best bagel that you can sell and are willing to pay for the quality of hand made bagels please contact us today! (see our hand rolling video)
To set up a wholesale account please call sales now 212-391-2870- dial 3 for sales, or contact us at http://www.davidovichbakery.com